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I Thought Jesus Is Alive Again


Is Jesus live?

is Jesus alive


He walked the earth more than two g years ago. We hear about His crucifixion and His teachings. Easter is nigh His resurrection. But that'southward where some people balk. Does that mean Jesus is live? How could a human being who had been publicly executed rising from the dead? History provides irrefutable show that Jesus Christ of Nazareth lived, only is He still alive today? Christians worship, sing, and pray to Jesus as though He is alive. Are they wrong to do so? In what sense is Jesus "alive"?

As human beings bars to a cloth earth, we frequently understand life to be direct linked to physicality—a person is alive if his or her torso is live. Just life runs deeper than that. The spirit realm is as real equally the physical realm. Philippians two:five–11 explains that Christ was already alive, as one with God, earlier the globe was spoken into beingness (cf. John 1:1–three). The eternal Son of God has always been alive. Jesus was never not live, fifty-fifty when His body was lying in the tomb.

Jesus spoke oft of life outside of the cloth world (John 10:10). He promised eternal life to anyone who believed in Him (John three:xvi–18). He explained that the kingdom He had come to establish was not of this world (John xviii:36).

When God created the starting time man, "He breathed into man'southward nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul" (Genesis 2:seven). That life came from God, who is eternal. God breathed His own life into human being, and that is why human life is different that of plants and animals. Humans have a spirit meant to live forever, just as God volition live forever. The body volition die, but even that will be raised again. When Jesus died on the cross, His trunk truly died and was buried, but His spirit was somewhere else, alive and well. He had committed His spirit into the Father's hands (Luke 23:46).

When God raised Jesus from the dead, His spirit rejoined His torso, which was now a glorified body (Philippians three:21). Paul wrote that more than than five hundred people saw Jesus afterward His resurrection (1 Corinthians fifteen:6). The New Testament was written past eyewitnesses who had seen for themselves that Jesus was truly alive and was in the flesh.

Jesus is still alive today. He rose bodily from the dead, and He ascended actual into heaven. Acts ane recounts how, forty days after the resurrection, Jesus' disciples were with Him when He suddenly began to rising into the air. They stared in amazement equally He kept going and disappeared from sight (Acts one:9–eleven). Jesus had predicted that He would return to the Father, and that is exactly what He did (John 14:1–2; John xx:17).

Jesus is alive in sky with God, the angels, and all those who take trusted in Him for conservancy (ii Corinthians 5:8). He sits at the right hand of the Father (Colossians iii:i), "higher than all the heavens" (Ephesians 4:10). "He always lives to intercede" for His followers on earth (Hebrews 7:25). And He promised to return again (John 14:1–ii).

Just as Jesus' spirit never died, neither will our spirits die (John xi:25–26). Nosotros volition live forever somewhere. How we answer to God'due south offer of salvation determines our destiny (John 3:xvi-eighteen). Jesus told His followers, "Because I live, you also volition live" (John 14:19). Upon that great hope nosotros can build our lives, knowing that, similar our Lord Jesus, nosotros may die, but death is not the end.

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This page last updated: January 4, 2022


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