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Assassination Classroom Isogai Drawing Black and White

Fans of stellar anime have definitely givenAssassination Classrooma thorough viewing. After learning that it follows a group of junior high schoolers tasked with assassinating their superhuman tentacled teacher, who wouldn't want to give this show a watch? The students of Class 3-E are all dynamic, each with their own unique strengths, weaknesses, and stories as to how they all ended up in the place reserved for Kunugigaoka Junior High's rejects. Unfortunately, it becomes hard to keep track of all 28 of these students.

While every one of them at least attempted to take out that teacher, some students went above and beyond, assisting their classmates throughout all their ordeals in ways that only they could. Not only did these students deserve compensation for their contributions, but Koro-sensei could've slipped them some extra credit at the end of the semester as well.

10 Yuma Isogai

Despite being raised in a low-income household, Isogai maintains a calm disposition and firm sense of self as one of Class 3-E's reps.

He showed to be a proven strategist during the Kunugigaoka Athletic Festival, applying some of the historical lessons he learned in the classroom on the actual sportsfield, which famously led Class 3-E to a victory against their rival class, 3-A.

9 Sosuke Sugaya

Sugaya's art was not only helpful for assassination attempts, but it was very practical, often providing his classmates (and even Koro-sensei) with tools they needed to blend in with their surroundings. At one point, he gave Koro-sensei a tattoo that melted part of his face since the paint he used contained anti-sensei material, a covert attempt that could've worked had Koro-sensei not caught on in time. When the class went on a trip to Kyoto, be carved Koro-sensei a fake nose to help him blend in with everyone else, and later painted suits for the entirety of the class that enabled them to hide in plain sight from The Reaper's security cameras.

The decoy that he was able to construct (in complete silence) when several students raided the mountaintop hotel in "XX Time" distracted Gastro, a formidable assassin, long enough to create an opening for Chiba and Hayami. In "Future Time", Sugaya was shown charging too much for one of his pieces, although the work he put in during his junior high days definitely entitles him to all the money he desires.

8 Itona Horibe

Itona Horibe might've joined Class 3-E later in the series, but the prior assassination attempts he made on Koro-sensei's life proved to be pretty effective. This was due to the tentacle implants that enabled him to go head-to-head with Koro-sensei. When he became an official member of Class 3-E, losing his tentacles in the process, his athletic prowess was key in helping Class 3-E win the bo-tashi game against Class 3-A.

His technical literacy also came in handy, since the tiny vehicles he built were extremely useful for reconnaissance purposes, although they quickly became used for more perverted reconnaissance after pressure from some of his male colleagues.

7 Kaede Kayano

Kaede doesn't get enough credit for the act she put on for the entirety of the series. For over a year, she withstood the pain that her tentacle implants caused her without giving any indication of her suffering whatsoever, pulling the wool over the eyes of someone as observant as Koro-sensei. Even before she attacked him with her tentacles, her plan of burying several anti-sensei bullets in the center of a mound of pudding would've worked if she and her classmates had accounted for their teacher's houndish sense of smell.

She was actively taking note of every single assassination attempt made on Koro-sensei, and managed to correctly deduce that the one thing that always proved effective against him was a simple pitfall. Though her final attempt to murder Koro-sensei with her tentacles failed due to Nagisa's intervention, Kaede might have accomplished what none of her classmates could've, and she was willing to risk her own life just to do it.

6 Ritsu

After Koro-sensei gave her a well-needed personality upgrade, Ritsu quickly learned to work with her classmates, making their assassination attempts all the more efficient. During their grand summer assassination attempt, she ensured that every student involved was in sync, communicating with them all simultaneously through their personal electronic devices.

She later helped them infiltrate the mountaintop hotel, hacking into its security systems to make their job a lot easier. Without her, Nagisa and Karma wouldn't even have been able to reach the International Space Station. After exploring more of what the Internet had to offer, she continued to be of use to her classmates well after Koro-sensei had been killed.

5 Ryunosuke Chiba

Chiba's long-distance marksman skills were so important that during the big assassination attempt in "Action Time" he (along with Hayami) was tasked with taking the killing shot.

While he admitted to hesitating for a split-second before pressing the trigger, he doesn't give himself credit for firing a shot so fast that Koro-sensei was forced to resort to his Absolute Defense form in the first place. During the firefight against Gastro, it was his shot that detached the stage lights that slammed into Gastro, sealing the victory for Class 3-E.

4 Rinka Hayami

Despite having lower accuracy than Chiba, Hayami's proficiency with taking down moving targets made her a perfect candidate to make the killing shot against Koro-sensei during the big summer assassination attempt, since he was essentially the ultimate moving target. According to Ritsu, her shot was actually faster than Chiba's, and would've struck Koro-sensei had she fired from a different angle.

After Chiba took down the stage light that slammed into Gastro, it was Hayami's well-placed shot that disarmed him before he could cause harm to any of her classmates.

3 Ryoma Terasaka

Initially, Terasaka was set up to be the class bully, at one point even putting his classmates in danger when he teamed up with Shiro and Itona. After the botched assassination attempt in "Action Time", he stepped more into his role as one of Class 3-E's most prominent leaders, managing to snap Nagisa out of a murderous rage that nearly caused him to kill Takaoka.

His physical strength has allowed him to persevere through pain and illness that his classmates couldn't, but perhaps his most useful skill is his ability to follow directions, making him a leader that isn't too stubborn to take criticism and instruction if the situation commands it.

2 Karma Akabane

Karma broke ground by becoming the first student to hurt Koro-sensei after taping pieces of an anti-sensei knife to his palm and giving Koro-sensei a handshake. He was even able to temporarily disrupt Koro's resilient psyche on his first day, getting Koro to admit that he'd have to remain careful around Karma.

Karma was willing to do anything to kill Koro-sensei, even if that meant diving off a cliff to do it. When he actually applied himself, he was a monster in the classroom, snatching the top spot from Asano during the second-semester finals. When the class split into two camps: those who wanted to kill Koro-sensei and those who wanted to save him, Karma essentially threw his duel against Nagisa when he had the chance to win, showing just how much of a class-act he really is.

1 Nagisa Shota

Though a bit timid at the start of the series, Nagisa quickly rose to prominence as Class 3-E's best assassin, mastering the powerful Stun Clap technique when none of his classmates could. His bloodlust alone was so powerful that it often immobilized his opponents, and his ability to read others enabled him to take the best course of action in the heat of a battle. When he and Karma faced off, he knew to go in for a triangle choke rather than a Stun Clap, taking Karma off guard and pinning him to the floor.

Without Nagisa there to be a constant voice of reason and simultaneous powerhouse, Class 3-E wouldn't have gotten as far as they did throughout all the trials they were forced to endure. It's fitting that this underdog was the one who got to kill Koro-sensei in the end.

NEXT: 10 Things Anime Fans Should Know About Assassination Classroom

Next 10 Anime Side Characters Who Were The Protagonist All Along

About The Author

Lavell (214 Articles Published)

When he isn't writing for CBR, Lavell is usually playing videogames, catching up on interesting anime, or writing novels. An English major from the University of Virginia and an active member in New York's television scene, he enjoys meeting people who care about telling good, tasteful stories.

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Assassination Classroom Isogai Drawing Black and White


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